Scoliosis Diagnosis and Treatment

Scoliosis Diagnosis and Treatment

Scoliosis Diagnosis and Treatment

Correct Brace Treatment Gives Successful Results in Early Diagnosed Scoliosis Scoliosis, the most common childhood deformity of the spine, often occurs between the ages of 9-14. Scoliosis is seen in younger children and even infants. Scoliosis is also seen in boys, but it is more progressive in girls. The cause of scoliosis is still not known exactly and it is called Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis due to the age at which it is seen.

Scoliosis negatively affects the cosmetic appearance of the body and causes psychological problems in children. Pain, respiratory distress and difficulty in exercise capacity may occur in advanced and high-angle scoliosis.

The diagnosis of scoliosis is usually easily diagnosed by the examination of the child by a specialist physician. However, spine films are used to determine the location and angle of scoliosis. Rarely, scoliosis may also be caused by other diseases, and sometimes advanced examination methods such as MRI and tomography are used. During the control of scoliosis, radiological examinations are frequently continued. However, in recent studies, it has been stated that the rays that do not have lead protection in the growing child and whose radiation dose is high may pave the way for undesirable health problems in some organs and even cancer at an advanced age. For this reason, body topographic analysis systems that do not contain X-rays and allow curvature tracking are seen as the gold standard in many countries.

Scoliosis can affect one or both regions of the spine and is located in the dorsal (back), lumbar (low back), dorsal-lumbar (backbone joint) location. The degree of curvature is measured as the Cobb angle. If the angle in a region is 45° or more, the treatment is surgery.

Scoliosis tends to increase severely near the onset of the first menstruation in girls, often during adolescence. Therefore, parents should check their children's spine. When the child's back is viewed from the back, if there is a height at one of the shoulders, a shift of the hip to one side, a difference in the distance between the waist and the arm, scoliosis is suspected. Scoliosis is certain if a hump is seen in the back or waist when the child leans forward. Children should be followed up frequently during their development and in case of doubt, a physician should be consulted immediately.

When scoliosis is diagnosed early, it is brought under control with corset and exercise treatments, and the progression of the angle is prevented, and the child's body cosmetics improves. The golden rule for successful treatment; early diagnosis, flexible body structure, correct and effective corset suitable for the curvature, and using the corset for the period determined by the physician. Regular performance of Schroth exercises, known as scoliosis three-dimensional exercises, increases success.

Success in the treatment of scoliosis is achieved with expert staff and expert teamwork.

In the non-surgical treatment of scoliosis, physicians, physiotherapists and orthotic technicians create successful results with teamwork. There are specific scoliosis diagnosis and treatment centers in many parts of the world. Scoliosis individual exercises, Scoliosis school group exercises are performed by expert and certified physiotherapists in these centers.

In addition, corset treatment in scoliosis gives successful results. These corsets must be produced with internationally accepted criteria and techniques. Computer-controlled corset designs, which have become widespread in America and Germany, are produced based on measurements and applied to the patient in the licensed orthotic prosthesis workshop.

If you suspect scoliosis in your child or if your child has been diagnosed with scoliosis and recommended to use a brace by the doctor, you should definitely contact our center. Let us inform you about scoliosis corsets and scoliosis exercises.
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